Simple Pizza

This fresh pizza is a wonderful way to enjoy many fresh vegetable toppings. You can keep it simple and light with olive oil, veggies, and basil, or go for a more classic style using tomato sauce and mozza!

Servings: 8
Time To Prepare: 1 - 1.5 hours


  • 3 TSP Yeast

  • 1 1/2 Cups Warm Water

  • 3 TSP Sugar

  • 1 1/2 TSP Salt

  • 3 TBS Vegetable Oil

  • 3 Cups Flour

  • 2-3 TBS Olive Oil

  • A couple pinches of Kosher Salt

  • 1 Medium Onion (thinly sliced)

  • 2 Medium Tomatoes (sliced)

  • 2 Medium Green Peppers (sliced)

  • ~16 fresh basil leaves

  • Parmesan Cheese (Shredded)


Step 1
First up is making the pizza dough. Get a large mixing bowl, and add in the warm water, and sugar. Sprinkle the yeast on top, and let them sit for about 5 minutes while the yeast begins to activate. Next, add in the salt and vegetable oil. Whisk together.

Step 2
Slowly add in the flour, and mix together until it forms dough. Knead for about 2 minutes, the dough should be smooth. If it is very sticky, add in some extra flour.

Step 3
Put your dough back in the mixing bowl and cover it. Put it in a warm place (or in a proofer) and let it sit for 30-45 minutes, until the ball of dough has doubled in size.

Step 4
Next, lightly oil two pizza pans. Then, you will want to turn out your dough from the bowl, and cut it into two equal halves, you can lightly knead these halves into nice round balls before shaping them to fit on your pizza pans. If the dough is sticking to your hands, rub some oil on your hands.

Step 5
While topping your pizzas, get your oven pre-heating to 400F. Now, lightly brush the pizza crusts with olive oil, and sprinkle on some kosher salt. Evenly distribute the onions, tomatoes, and green peppers onto the crusts, and then sprinkle with your shredded cheese.

Step 6
Put the pizzas in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the crust is turning golden-brown. You can check to see if they are cooked through by using a spatula to lift the pizza off of the pan and check that the bottom of the crust near the middle looks crisp / firm.

Step 7
Take the pizzas out of the oven, top with the whole fresh basil leaves and let the heat of the pizza wilt them. Let the pizzas cool for about 5 minutes, slice them up, and they are ready to serve!