Frequently Asked Questions


What Is Community-Supported Agriculture?

Community-Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is a kind of cropsharing farming model. Typically CSA members share in the costs, risks, and bounty with the farmer by purchasing a share before the start of the season. This helps the farmer to cover some of the up front costs of growing each season. CSA programs also help to connect the consumer with the farmer directly, so you get to know how your food is being produced and where it's coming from. CSA programs offer the unique ability to choose a farmer that you trust.

How Does The CSA Membership Work?

Each year the CSA program will have a maximum number of “shares” available. Members pay a flat fee at the beginning of the season to help cover some of the costs and risks involved with the farm. We plant a wide variety of crops to supply both our members as well as supply our market stall with fresh produce over the course of the growing season. We'll be aiming to have produce available early in July and running into October, although this will depend on the weather. Our members will receive a bundle of in-season produce each week. If we have a bumper harvest, members can expect to receive larger shares. Likewise in the event of crop failures, weekly bundles may be smaller. Our goal is to average out $35 of value for each week over the course of the growing season covering the full cost of CSA membership.

How Much Does Membership Cost?

Our CSA membership is $500 per year (plus applicable taxes). This is paid in full before the start of the season and is limited each year to a set number of members.

Is Your Farm Organic?

We are not a certified organic farm. We do not, however, heavily rely on synthetic fertilizers, or pestides. We believe that in the many years of both traditional and modern farming practices lies a balance that will allow us grow enough healthy, nutritious food as well as preserve our environment so that future generations have a chance to thrive.

Are Your Hens Free Range?

Yes, our hens are free to use their coop, or hang out outside in a penned off area. We have coyotes, and foxes in the area, so we make sure they stay within the safety of the fence!

Chicken Coop
Egg Collection

How Do I Get My Produce?

Produce bundles can be picked up at our market stall location in Saskatoon at the Early's Farm and Garden parking lot (2615 Lorne Ave) on Saturdays between 9am and 4pm. We will supply each member with a re-usable Playful Pup tote bag on the first pick-up date of the season. After that we do ask that you bring your own re-usable bags each week to pick up your veggies!

How Do I Sign Up?

You can purchase your 2024 CSA membership using the link below!

2024 CSA Membership

2025 CSA Membership  $500.00